We are investing in our vision of the Chemnitz of the future!

We want Chemnitz to open up. We want Chemnitz to grow far beyond its borders. And to do that, the city needs to breathe new life into itself. That’s why we believe it’s so vital to invest in these visions today.

You can be a visionary for Chemnitz too! Feel free to contact us if you have any ideas or questions.

Baukultur für Chemnitz e.V.

Augustusburger Straße 43
D-09111 Chemnitz
Tel.: +49 371 694213
Fax: +49 371 694214 


Lotte Claudia Fischer

Lotte Claudia Fischer

Dipl.-Ing. Interior Designer
Linda Hüttner

Linda Hüttner

Dipl.-Ing. Architect

Casting the spotlight on hidden potential and revitalising our city centre!