FAQ- Answers to important questions
Need more information? We’ve collected all your questions about the Festival of Light Art and tried to answer them as best we can. If we’ve missed something, please don’t hesitate to contact us on social media: We’re on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
1. When and where will the Festival take place?
The main locations in Chemnitz will be illuminated between 7.30 pm and 11 pm every evening from 25 to 28 September 2024 (Note: the Lichterlabyrinth (Labyrinth of Lights) from the Brühl promenade to Marienplatz will appear for one night only on Friday, 27 September 2024, from 5 pm to 11 pm).
The shows will be repeated at intervals throughout the evening. There will be breaks in between that will give you about 15 minutes to move between the locations.
a) What and where is “Marienplatz” (Mary’s Square)?
Named by the LOV organiser Baukultur für Chemnitz e. V., Marienplatz is an undeveloped 20,000 square metre space in the heart of the city. It connects the area around the Rathaus (Town Hall) with Theaterplatz (Theatre Square) and the main station, and lies between the local office complex known as the “Parteifalte” and Kunstsammlungen art collections building, where there once used to be a road called Marienstraße.
2. Where can I park?
We ask our visitors to travel by train, tram or bus if possible. During the event, Brückenstraße will be completely closed in front of the Karl Marx Monument from Straße der Nationen to Theaterstraße/Mühlenstraße between approx. 7 pm and midnight, including to public transport. Please plan a sensible alternative route.
You can find a list of parking facilities on the City of Chemnitz website.
3. How much does admission to the LOV Festival cost?
The LOV Festival is free of charge! However, we would be delighted to receive donations, including via our crowdfunding platforms.
There are also two VIP locations this year. Tickets for the “Das Deck” pop-up museum on Marienplatz and the indoor event at pentagon3 cost €7.50 each.
You can also purchase a combined ticket for €13 on-site (card payments only), which includes admission to both of these paid shows.
Admission to all events is free for children up to the age of 14 (when accompanied by at least one paying adult).
Exclusive VIP tickets are also available for corporate events. These can be reserved for €49.99 for groups of 15 or more people.
If you are interested, please get in touch:
Your contact: Katrin Reichelt
Phone: +49 371 836536-17
Email: k.reichelt@gastro-mieten.de
4. Where can I buy tickets for “Das Deck” and pentagon3?
These tickets can only be purchased on-site at the respective locations.
5. What payment options are available for the exclusive admission tickets?
We can only accept card payments for these tickets.
6. How long are the tickets valid for?
Tickets are valid for one evening only and are non-transferable. Your hand will be stamped on entry.
7. How does the programme work with the individual locations?
Do you have to choose one single location and light installation?
No! All locations will be illuminated simultaneously from 7.30 pm.
The installations run for an average of 5 to 10 minutes and repeat at roughly 15 minute intervals. This is repeated daily at all locations from 7.30 pm to 11 pm.
During the breaks, you’ll have time to move to a different location either along our suggested route or wherever you choose; it’s up to you.
Along the route, you can marvel at the extraordinary creations and stilt performances put on by our walking acts.
a) Exception: Labyrinth of Lights on the Brühl promenade:
The Labyrinth of Lights from Brühl to Marienplatz will only run on Friday, 27 September 2024, from 5 pm to 11 pm.
8. Is photography and filming permitted during the Festival?
Yes, we love seeing all your photos and videos on social media. Feel free to use our hashtag #lightourvision and tag us in your posts!
9. Will there be food available?
Yes. We have expanded our range of food vendors from last year (including vegetarian options) and this is once again being organised by André Gruhle, owner of the SEG Group (which operates the Pelzmühle, Miramar, Diebels Fasskeller and Hans im Glück) and organiser of the Wine Festival.
Snacks and drinks will be available at the central station, Theaterplatz, Marienplatz, on Brückenstraße and in the Stadthalle Congress Centre Park.
10. Where can I get a physical programme?
The programmes will be distributed free of charge in the Kunstsammlungen art collections, at the main station, at the drinks stands, in the Open Space, and in shops and pubs in the city centre.
11. What security measures will be in place?
We hope that the event will be a peaceful, joyful experience for everyone.
We are coordinating with all of the security and emergency services through the local public authorities. We are also employing private security to ensure visitor safety.
12. Who can I contact about noise problems?
The officer responsible for recording noise volume measurements and for enquiries and complaints relating to noise is Alexander Günther (blndwrk).
13. What happens if it rains?
The technology towers are protected from the rain, so there will be no restrictions. The event will still go ahead in the rain.
14. Will the Festival be back in 2025?
Yes, we very much hope so! Light our Vision has even been included as an integral part of the Capital of Culture 2025 programme.
LOV 3.0 will again be organised by volunteers from the Baukultur für Chemnitz e. V. association. Your support will be crucial to bringing great international artists to Chemnitz once again. It will all depend on the Festival’s reception, financial security and other factors.
15. How can I support the Festival of Light Art?
You’ll see project towers around the Festival with QR codes that link directly to our crowdfunding platform. If you enjoy the Festival of Light Art and the artists’ contributions, we’d love for you to donate there or directly to the association’s account.
All the details you need are also available here https://www.lightourvision.de/en/mach-mit-en/
Our organiser, Chemnitzer Tourismus und Marketing GmbH, headed by Manuel Grießbach, is also looking for volunteers to help out at the Festival. From setup and tear down to guarding the artworks, or as a steward for guests – anyone who can invest a few hours as a volunteer is welcome to do so. If interested, please sign up via the Chemnitz2025 volunteer programme, or contact us by email to manuel@lightourvision.de.